episode | character | line | show excerpt |
Three: Burden Of Proof
The golf courses?
Three: Burden Of Proof
Don't forget, Grogan, I'm a golfer, and when you and your friends are busy in the stadiums, who will look after the golf courses?
Three: Burden Of Proof
That's a question I ask myself every time I address the ball.
Three: Burden Of Proof
Keep talking that way, you're not gonna pass your next medical. Do you know that?
Three: Burden Of Proof
To know is to die. Remember that, Jerry!
Three: Burden Of Proof
Craven! Yo!
Three: Burden Of Proof
Did you see Bennett? She'll fix up a meeting with GAIA. Look after him, Clemmy, we may need him!
Three: Burden Of Proof
A man of few words.
Three: Burden Of Proof
When he's sober.
Three: Burden Of Proof
Mr Bennett, you're the Operations Director of International Irradiated Fuels. Perhaps you can give us some idea of the philosophy behind the company?
Three: Burden Of Proof
Yes. The company was formed in response to the growing demand for permanent and semi-permanent storage facilities in the nuclear field. In particular, the need to store the low-grade wastes emanating from our nuclear installations without contaminating the oceans, and also to find the answer to the question, of the disposal of the high-grade wastes which emanate from our reprocessing plants.
Three: Burden Of Proof
Now, this high-grade waste must be stored in such a way that it is impervious to accident, earthquake, flood and theft.
Three: Burden Of Proof
Your charter calls for the storage of low-grade waste.
Three: Burden Of Proof
As a first objective, but of course, we are aiming at the long-term solution to the disposal of high-grade waste.
Three: Burden Of Proof
Mr Bennett, to what extent did you have Government backing for your venture?
Three: Burden Of Proof
We had the full support of all the agencies, and very generous grants, particularly for our research facilities.
Three: Burden Of Proof
For example, we're designing a vitrification plant, which is not cheap and we have had a generous measure of support for this project from the Government.
Three: Burden Of Proof
Where did you meet Darius?
Three: Burden Of Proof
Nicaragua, during the revolution. He was photographing a Sandinista hide-out in the mountains and his plane ran out of gas.
Three: Burden Of Proof
We found him in the village trying to persuade a garage to let him pay for a tankful of fuel with a Diners Card. His Spanish is appalling.