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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT Yes. The company was formed in response to the growing demand for permanent and semi-permanent storage facilities in the nuclear field. In particular, the need to store the low-grade wastes emanating from our nuclear installations without contaminating the oceans, and also to find the answer to the question, of the disposal of the high-grade wastes which emanate from our reprocessing plants.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT Now, this high-grade waste must be stored in such a way that it is impervious to accident, earthquake, flood and theft.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BEWES Your charter calls for the storage of low-grade waste.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT As a first objective, but of course, we are aiming at the long-term solution to the disposal of high-grade waste.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PELHAM Mr Bennett, to what extent did you have Government backing for your venture?
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT We had the full support of all the agencies, and very generous grants, particularly for our research facilities.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT For example, we're designing a vitrification plant, which is not cheap and we have had a generous measure of support for this project from the Government.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN New Scene Where did you meet Darius?
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Three: Burden Of Proof CLEMENTINE Nicaragua, during the revolution. He was photographing a Sandinista hide-out in the mountains and his plane ran out of gas.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CLEMENTINE We found him in the village trying to persuade a garage to let him pay for a tankful of fuel with a Diners Card. His Spanish is appalling.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN You rescued him.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CLEMENTINE Not quite. I was a liaison officer with the Sandinistas at the time, so we took him prisoner. We kept him for six weeks and ran up a huge bill on his card before letting him go
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Three: Burden Of Proof CLEMENTINE Nothing personal, it was a CIA account.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN So, when did you two become friends?
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Three: Burden Of Proof CLEMENTINE Later, in London.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN What does he know about GAIA?
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Three: Burden Of Proof CLEMENTINE He helped to found the organisation in '77.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN Jedburgh?
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Three: Burden Of Proof [PHONE RINGS]
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH New Scene Craven, I'm at the airport. I have to return to Washington.
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