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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN So what is?
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH You are, and I'm here to warn you. You're stirring up the natives. You're making them restless. We have our own interests on this island. Quite apart from the airbases, there's the golf courses.
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN The golf courses?
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH Don't forget, Grogan, I'm a golfer, and when you and your friends are busy in the stadiums, who will look after the golf courses?
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH That's a question I ask myself every time I address the ball.
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN Keep talking that way, you're not gonna pass your next medical. Do you know that?
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH To know is to die. Remember that, Jerry!
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH New Scene Craven! Yo!
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH Did you see Bennett? She'll fix up a meeting with GAIA. Look after him, Clemmy, we may need him!
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN A man of few words.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CLEMENTINE When he's sober.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CHILWELL Mr Bennett, you're the Operations Director of International Irradiated Fuels. Perhaps you can give us some idea of the philosophy behind the company?
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT Yes. The company was formed in response to the growing demand for permanent and semi-permanent storage facilities in the nuclear field. In particular, the need to store the low-grade wastes emanating from our nuclear installations without contaminating the oceans, and also to find the answer to the question, of the disposal of the high-grade wastes which emanate from our reprocessing plants.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT Now, this high-grade waste must be stored in such a way that it is impervious to accident, earthquake, flood and theft.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BEWES Your charter calls for the storage of low-grade waste.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT As a first objective, but of course, we are aiming at the long-term solution to the disposal of high-grade waste.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PELHAM Mr Bennett, to what extent did you have Government backing for your venture?
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT We had the full support of all the agencies, and very generous grants, particularly for our research facilities.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT For example, we're designing a vitrification plant, which is not cheap and we have had a generous measure of support for this project from the Government.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN New Scene Where did you meet Darius?
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