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Three: Burden Of Proof CHILWELL New Scene The purpose of this particular session is to examine, at somewhat short notice, the consequences, if any, of the takeover of International Irradiated Fuels Limited, by the Fusion Corporation of Kansas. For obvious reasons, this will be a closed session.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CHILWELL So, we will begin with our first witness Mr Robert Bennett. The managing director of International Irradiated Fuels Limited.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CHILWELL Mr Bennett, you're the Operations Director of International Irradiated Fuels. Perhaps you can give us some idea of the philosophy behind the company?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL New Scene Who else knows about this, besides you?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL Well, who's he when he's at home?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL Well, we can't expect to call him to give evidence.
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL How did he get involved?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL Did she survive?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL Yes, I remember. I read about it. Well, you'd better have him called.
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL Doctor Menzies, you were the pathologist who examined the body. What was the cause of death?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL Are you able to confirm the source of the radiation?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL What does that mean exactly?
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Four: Breakthrough CHILWELL And where would you find that?
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL I'm the chairman of this committee, old boy, and I have to tell you we have a great deal of business to get through.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL There is one. It's on its way.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL New Scene A few days ago, Mr Bennett, the body of a young woman was discovered in the Corrie Reservoir. The pathologist's report suggests that, although she died from drowning, she had suffered a radiation accident only an hour before her death. Now, since your Northmoor site is the nearest nuclear site to the reservoir, and since it shares with the Corrie the local water table, I wonder whether you have any evidence which might throw light on this occurrence?
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL What action?
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL Was there no alternative?
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL Mr Harcourt, it says here that you're on a secondment from Lloyds and are at present attached to the Cabinet Office.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL Perhaps you could tell the committee exactly what your present function is.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL And what was your reaction?
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL So what, on reflection, made this company so interesting to the Fusion Corporation?
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL The Marsh Report, if I remember correctly, discounted Northmoor. It believed that Sellafield was responsible for the emissions.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL I must ask you, Mr Harcourt, do you have any prima facie evidence, apart from the body in the Corrie Reservoir, which suggests the existence of any kind of illegal reprocessing at Northmoor?
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL I'm afraid, Mr Harcourt, we really can't take all this on board without it. You may be perfectly right, but as long as the evidence remains purely circumstantial, I regret we cannot act upon it. However, your views will be noted.
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Six: Fusion CHILWELL This business at Northmoor.
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Six: Fusion CHILWELL The minister wants to know whether you sanctioned the operation.
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