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Five: Northmoor PELHAM Does that mean you're in intelligence?
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Five: Northmoor HARCOURT No, ma'am. I'm a lawyer.
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Five: Northmoor BEWES Mr Harcourt, who or what first drew your attention to the present situation at IIF?
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Five: Northmoor HARCOURT The Treasury, they'd heard that the company was about to be taken over by one of the big American energy corporations and wanted a fix on it.
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Five: Northmoor BEWES How long ago was that?
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Five: Northmoor HARCOURT A year.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL And what was your reaction?
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Five: Northmoor HARCOURT A surprise. I wasn't able to understand what an industrial giant like Fusion would want with a low-grade storage plant in Yorkshire.
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Five: Northmoor BEWES They hold the Queen's Award for Industry.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL So what, on reflection, made this company so interesting to the Fusion Corporation?
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Five: Northmoor HARCOURT Well, it had to be something quite unique, and I narrowed it down to one possibility. The ability to manufacture plutonium, illegally.
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Five: Northmoor PELHAM So you and GAIA came to the same conclusion?
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Five: Northmoor HARCOURT We both read the Marsh Report.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN New Scene They know we're down here, don't they?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH Yeah.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN Who told them?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH It could've been anybody.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN What exactly were your orders?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH To get into the ball park, steal the ball.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN The plutonium?
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