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Four: Breakthrough HARCOURT You've been called, Mr Godbolt.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Godbolt.
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Four: Breakthrough HARCOURT I don't think they're going to let you speak.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON You're not serious?
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Four: Breakthrough HARCOURT Evidently, our friend here signed himself out of hospital. Bennett got hold of his psychiatric report, it could undermine his testimony.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN There's nothing wrong with my mind.
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Four: Breakthrough HARCOURT You have a fixation for trees, Craven. An arboreal passion. That can be made to sound very odd in the hands of a skilled interrogator. Anyway, there's something better for you to do.
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Four: Breakthrough [PIANO MUSIC PLAYING]
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH New Scene Still in one piece, I see.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN And what's that supposed to mean?
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH People have a habit of dissolving into their constituent parts these days. The political climate does not favour homogeneity. The political climate does not favour homogeneity.
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH Khe Sanh died. Oh, he died peacefully in bed of gunshot wounds. (CHUCKLES)
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN I'm sorry to hear that.
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH That makes me and old Mad Mike the last survivors of the 'Nam team.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN I wondered if you'd made up your mind about our little trip?
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Four: Breakthrough [PHONE RINGS]
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON New Scene I hear you're taking Jedburgh.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN What?
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Will you be armed?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Yes.
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