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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Good morning. My name is Pendleton. I wonder could I have a word with the Chief Constable?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON What the hell are you doing here?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON What are they?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON The kid is dead.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON She was killed last night by a gunman.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Latest reports suggest he was after her father, who's a policeman, you know.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON [V.O.] Detective Inspector Craven?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON [V.O.] I'd like a word with you.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON [V.O.] My name is Pendleton. Can you meet me in the car park?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON [V.O.] Now.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Mr Craven!
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Yours is bugged, like your phone!
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON We're safe in here. Chobham plate, I'm told.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Good guess, but no. We're attached to the Prime Minister's office.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON No, but you can talk to Sir Maurice if you like. He heads the office.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON 8-5-3...3-5-1-2.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON You mentioned Six. Where did you come across that?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Thick on the ground?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON You don't like cloak and dagger, do you?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON The BBC.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Because that's where the Prime Minister is. I'm looking after her tonight.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON No, but this evening we're a little short-handed. My brief's a bit wider than that, which brings me to your daughter.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON She was some sort of terrorist, wasn't she?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON According to her file.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Oh, there's a file but it's difficult to get hold of.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON The safety of the realm. We like to know what's going on north of Watford. I presume you discount the idea of revenge? No one here believes it.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON What's all this about investigating the miners?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Who stood to benefit?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Is the motive there for murder?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Look, I'd like you to meet my partner.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON On the contrary, you could be of enormous help.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Question is, were they after her or were they after you?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Delta Two received.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Received. Please advise all cars.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON You'll have to walk back, I'm afraid. We've been re-routed.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Look, give us a ring tomorrow.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON [V.O. ON PHONE] Pendleton here.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON [V.O.] When is your appointment at Scotland Yard?
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON [V.O.] Meet me in the basement car park at 11:00.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON [V.O.] That is because you're under observation. You're being followed.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON New Scene Get in.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON We only use it for posh occasions. We're trying to save on fuel.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON New Scene Not exactly Albany, but it's home.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON You are about to meet Harcourt. Double first at Cambridge and an authority on E.M. Forster, he tells me, but a complete twot, I think, when it comes to making connections.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON I, myself, favour an Irish education.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Anyone who has examined the Book of Kells cannot but be impressed by the labyrinthine coils of the Celtic imagination.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Are you a Celt, by any chance, Craven?
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Henry!
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Henry, this is Inspector Craven.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON I'll get Ellen to make us some tea.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON What we want to find out is whether Emma's death had anything to do with the break-in.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Circumstantial evidence. Everyone connected with the raid has either disappeared or is dead.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON I presume you haven't told Ross about it.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON He's talking about Jedburgh's file.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON But we will return the gun to Carlisle without comment, and we won't stop, or hinder your own enquiry.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON That's the deal.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON But not the Northmoor management?
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Sorry I can't run you back, old chap. You know how it is.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Breakfast?
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON And the Arts Council.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON And the Commonwealth.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON And the GLC.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Oh, dear.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON He knows a damn sight more than he pretends to, in my opinion.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON New Scene Good of you to keep us informed. If Shields knows about a hot cell, he could come in useful. [V.O.] We're going to be quite busy, you know. The Parliamentary enquiry into the Northmoor takeover starts today.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON I'll just check the van.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Hello, Clemmy.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON And how's my favourite tart?
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON The fact that he's not on the list does not mean he's not needed.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON She's just a friend of Jedburgh's. Polly!
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Come and meet a friend of mine. This is Polly Pelham, Honourable Member for Plowhill, and Shadow energy spokesman...
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON She's referring to the Intelligence Services.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Can't you understand it's because they're so grubby that we've been invited here.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON I do!
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON So why have we been brought in?
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Look, Pol, if you've got information, I'd very much like to have it.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Do you know that man?
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON He's the man we think had your daughter killed.
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Cup of tea?
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON I want her taken to London.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON I'm Pendleton.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON I heard he was off his rocker.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON It was one of the GAIA girls.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Oh, yes.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Could it be connected with spent fuel rods?
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Thought you ought to know someone's broken into the MI5 computer. They're going through the GAIA file.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON [V.O.] Office.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON New Scene First GAIA, then Northmoor, now Craven.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Emma.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Absolutely.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON [ON PHONE] Yes?...The longer we let them operate, the more chance we have of finding out what they're after. ...Well, it's your computer.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON [TO HARCOURT] They've located the terminal.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON New Scene I'll give you three guesses as to who that was.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Craven's the obvious choice. If he can get into that terminal, he can get into anywhere.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Sorry to ring you at this hour, but you were out earlier.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Were you? Harcourt and I stayed home and watched the telly. Interesting programme called Shake Up Bits of Information and Reassemble all in the Right Order.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Well, you've been asked to give evidence before the House of Commons Energy Committee. Remember we discussed it some time ago.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON You don't say no to the Commons, Craven, or they lock you up. Be at the visitor's gate by 9.30. They'll have a pass in your name. And wear a tie... Something regimental.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON This is better than hanging around in the hall. I'll ring you when your name's called.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON They're ready for you, Mr Godbolt.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON You're not serious?
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON New Scene I hear you're taking Jedburgh.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON Will you be armed?
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON If he gets out of hand, shoot him. Remember he's an American, so not basically on our side. Goodnight, Craven. Give my love to Clemmy.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON Hello, Bobby. Are you about to hit us for six?
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON No. How do you do?
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON Sounds like an obituary.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON No, he always looks like that this early.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON No, he rarely pokes his nose in this place.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON He's, um, taking the day off.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON They know. Someone's told them.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON They'll probably give him a medal for it.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON New Scene Still running on Houston time?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON Where's the plutonium?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON Where's Jedburgh?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON What happened?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON And?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON You're in an American Air Force hospital.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON Radiation, Craven. Nausea's the first of its symptoms.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON It's bad. It's important, old chap, that you tell me everything you know.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON New Scene They found the hot cell. It had been sealed off. Apparently, there had been some sort of explosion, resulting in massive radiation. Anyway, Jedburgh went in and located the plutonium and carried it out in a Harrods bag.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON He says his last words were something about meeting Moriarty at the falls.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON New Scene Hello, Pendleton.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON Who?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON I've had a call from Bennett. Jedburgh's at Gleneagles and he's not playing golf.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON Nallers. He drinks at the Chelsea Barracks. He's, um... He's rumoured to be the state executioner.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON It could be you, old boy. The Minister didn't take too kindly to that report of yours. But it's more likely to be Jedburgh.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON [TO PORTER] Ah, good. Thank you.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON New Scene Pendleton.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON What about the stuff?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON He... He knows where it is. We meet him 8:00 tomorrow morning. Loch Lednock.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON New Scene You will come tomorrow?
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON Mmm. How sick?
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