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Three: Burden Of Proof MABERLEY It's time to go in.
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN What's going on, Bobby?
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT Oh.
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Three: Burden Of Proof MABERLEY Come on, let's get in there. Time's pressing.
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT See you at the hotel.
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Three: Burden Of Proof HARCOURT Well, you certainly upset Mr Bennett.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN Is that why I was brought here? To upset Bennett?
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Three: Burden Of Proof HARCOURT I want him to know that you're on to him.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN On to him?
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Three: Burden Of Proof HARCOURT Well, aren't you?
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Three: Burden Of Proof PENDLETON Cup of tea?
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN Is there anything else I can do for you?
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Three: Burden Of Proof HARCOURT Yes, I'm looking for a witness. Well-spoken, of good character, a police officer if possible, and well-motivated. A daughter having recently been murdered would be useful.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN You want me to be a witness?
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Three: Burden Of Proof HARCOURT We'll provide you with all the information necessary to blast Bennett out of the water.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN Why me?
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Three: Burden Of Proof HARCOURT Our intel...
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Three: Burden Of Proof HARCOURT Our intelligence is coming from people whose cover we can't afford to blow. But anything coming from you will look as though you picked it up in the course of investigating your daughter's death.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN No, thanks. Sorry.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CHILWELL New Scene The purpose of this particular session is to examine, at somewhat short notice, the consequences, if any, of the takeover of International Irradiated Fuels Limited, by the Fusion Corporation of Kansas. For obvious reasons, this will be a closed session.
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