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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Letters, Ellen.
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Two: Into The Shadows ELLEN Yes, sir.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT It must have been a great blow.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Bizarre, I know, but not the sort who posts things to the Guardian.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Where did you find her?
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Art school.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON I'll get Ellen to make us some tea.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Pendleton said you wanted to see me.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT What do you know about GAIA?
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Only what my daughter told me.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT And what did she tell you?
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN That it was an organisation against nuclear power.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Was she a member?
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Yes, I think she was.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT You agree with her views?
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN No...
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN But I enjoyed the conversations.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Sit down, Mr Craven.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Would you say that GAIA was a subversive organisation?
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN They broke a few rules.
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