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20 items found. 

Six: Fusion HARCOURT What made him skip?
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Six: Fusion CLEMENTINE He saw a lead coffin. It had his name on it.
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT At least he knows his days are numbered.
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Six: Fusion CLEMENTINE Yes. Yes, he does. That's why he wants to find Jedburgh, and he wants a guarantee that he won't be hassled.
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT And he'll get back the plutonium?
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Six: Fusion CLEMENTINE Yes, he feels that's his responsibility.
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Well, tell him to try Scotland. Grogan's there. He's at a conference at the Gleneagles Hotel.
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Six: Fusion CHILWELL This business at Northmoor.
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Yes.
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Six: Fusion CHILWELL The minister wants to know whether you sanctioned the operation.
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Well, in a roundabout way, yes.
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Six: Fusion LAWSON New Scene Darius Jedburgh.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Hello, Taffy. How they hanging?
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Six: Fusion LAWSON Never better. This is Carlo Barlotti. Brookings Institute.
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Six: Fusion BARLOTTI Hello, Colonel. How are you? Pleased to meet you.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Is Jerry Grogan coming?
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Six: Fusion TAFFY No, I'm told he'll be late. Business in London.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER New Scene How many bodies?
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Four, Minister. And three at the plant makes seven.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER How long do you think this sort of thing can this go on for?
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