episode | character | line | show excerpt |
Six: Fusion
Six: Fusion
That's enough, Dad.
Six: Fusion
What we're trying to do in Kansas at the moment is to take the plutonium bomb and explode it in a vessel not much larger than the circumference of my arms, and to control the energy in there. By harnessing that energy, we can direct it in the form of lasers, halfway across the world to shoot down enemy rockets before they leave their silos. That is the capability for which we are aiming. It will cost us billions of dollars to get there, but in the end, it'll be worth it.
Six: Fusion
Six: Fusion
You're getting angry again.
Six: Fusion
I'm dying.
Six: Fusion
Do you regret it?
Six: Fusion
I feel so much is left undone.
Six: Fusion
Other people will continue the job. You'll be with me.
Six: Fusion
I still don't understand.
Six: Fusion
Dad, it's happened before, you know. Millions of years ago, when the earth was cold, it looked as if life on the planet would cease to exist. But black flowers began to grow, multiplying across its face, till the entire landscape was covered in blooms. Slowly, the blackness of the flowers sucked in the heat of the sun, and life began to evolve again. That is the power of Gaia.
Six: Fusion
It will take more than a black flower to save us this time.
Six: Fusion
This time, when it comes, it will melt the polar ice cap. Millions will die. The planet will protect itself. It's important to realise that. If man is the enemy, it will destroy him.
Six: Fusion
Is this some kind of warning?
Six: Fusion
All I'm saying is don't spend your last hours seeking revenge, Dad. The planet will do it for us, in time.
Six: Fusion
I believe that Fusion motors will power the great spaceships of the 21st century, which will leave the earth in their hundreds to colonise the solar system. That, ultimately, is what the phrase high frontier means.
Six: Fusion
[V.O. CONTINUES ON PA] The historical expansion of man into space with all the parallels it evokes of the rigours and heroism of America's 19th-century trek westward. Like our forefathers, we will be escaping poverty and tyranny, and, as in the past, war will provide the anvil upon which...
Six: Fusion
The others?
Six: Fusion
On their way.
Six: Fusion