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Six: Fusion BENNETT This is Bennett.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON Who?
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Six: Fusion BENNETT Bennett. I'm speaking from the Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland. Jedburgh is here, at the conference on the platform, about to take part in the debate on the high frontier. What are you going to do about it?
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Six: Fusion LAWSON The question is, how high is high? With the latest Star Wars technology, are we on the edge of a new space race? And what does that presage for the future of that other race, the human race?
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT New Scene Look, I have my own sources in Washington and they've sent me a complete rundown of what's going on there.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER If you believe what comes out of Washington, you're naive.
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Six: Fusion PENDLETON I've had a call from Bennett. Jedburgh's at Gleneagles and he's not playing golf.
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Six: Fusion GROGAN New Scene Bobby, what's up?
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Six: Fusion BENNETT No time to talk. You'll have to go straight onto the platform.
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Six: Fusion GROGAN Where's Jedburgh?
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Six: Fusion BENNETT Inside.
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Six: Fusion LAWSON Darius Jedburgh is an old friend.
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Six: Fusion [APPLAUSE]
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Six: Fusion LAWSON For several years, before his posting to London as an energy attaché at the US Embassy, Colonel Jedburgh reported directly to the Director of Scientific Intelligence at Langley. In his time, he's also been a member of the Standing Committee on Nuclear Materials Safeguards and the International Anti-Terrorism Committee. Finally, I'm sure that my last guest needs no introduction. Our first nuclear entrepreneur, the President of the Fusion Corporation of Kansas, the Henry Ford of the Sunrise Industries, ladies and gentlemen, Jerry C. Grogan.
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Six: Fusion GROGAN Hello, Darius. Where's my plutonium?
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Six: Fusion LAWSON And so, without more ado, to open our debate tonight on the future of space, I call upon the President of the Fusion Corporation Kansas, Jerry Grogan.
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Six: Fusion GROGAN Ladies and gentlemen, I must apologise for my late arrival. However, I did not want to leave London until I had confirmation that my company's bid for International Irradiated Fuels is to be allowed to stand. It is.
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Six: Fusion NEWSREADER New Scene [V.O. ON RADIO] The decision this morning to allow the bid to proceed from the Fusion Corporation of Kansas for International Irradiated Fuels, the British private nuclear waste plant, was greeted in the city with cautious optimism. Fusion, which is rumoured to be a strong contender for substantial contracts for President Reagan's Star Wars programme, will bring to the British company fresh capital and a new sense of purpose. There's still strong opposition to the sale in some quarters. At a NATO conference at Gleneagles Hotel this morning...
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Six: Fusion GROGAN New Scene When we unlock a chain reaction, the energy which is compressed in it was put there in the first ten seconds of the universe's existence. That is an awesome thing, ladies and gentlemen. We are tapping into the very source of God's creation. Today we have access to that power, but we do not control it, and that is the sole purpose of my corporation. To find a way to control it. When we have done so, we can say, for the first time in the history of the planet, man will be in charge.
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Six: Fusion [APPLAUSE]
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