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20 items found. 

One: Compassionate Leave EMMA It always is Dad, and you always pretend it isn't!
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN You can't tell the difference.
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One: Compassionate Leave EMMA Yes, I can!
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One: Compassionate Leave EMMA Ready? Go!
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN I've got this new recipe!
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN You open a tin of tomatoes, a tin of aubergines...
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One: Compassionate Leave GUNMAN Craven, you bastard! You bloody murdering bastard!
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One: Compassionate Leave GUNMAN It's your turn now!
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One: Compassionate Leave EMMA DON'T !
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One: Compassionate Leave [CAR ENGINE REVS]
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One: Compassionate Leave EMMA Don't ...tell.
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One: Compassionate Leave [CAR DRIVES AWAY]
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One: Compassionate Leave DETECTIVE 1 Well, I've known her since she were a kid.
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One: Compassionate Leave DETECTIVE 2 He'd only been here about a year when his wife died of cancer.
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One: Compassionate Leave DETECTIVE 3 Jesus Christ! What can you say? Some people have all the luck.
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One: Compassionate Leave DETECTIVE 1 They'll give him extended leave, I expect, until he gets sorted out.
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One: Compassionate Leave JONES Do me a favour, eh. Get out front and give me the word if you see Ross. Or anyone else.
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One: Compassionate Leave JONES It's all right. He's here.
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One: Compassionate Leave JONES He's in there.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS How is he?
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