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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Who's paying for this?
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE We are. Could have put you up in the section house, but what the hell?
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE Don't get to meet you lot very often.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE When we do, we like to make you feel at home.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN I want to make it clear. I'm on leave. I'm not part of the investigation.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE Of course. I understand.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE My guv'nor would like to see you anyway. Soon as poss, he says.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE Wants to sort out a few ground rules. Mainly about the press.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN I'm not giving interviews.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE Nevertheless they are persistent buggers. If you say no, they'll think you're just raising the price.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE Here's to a quick result.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN It's in YOUR hands.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE Of course.
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One: Compassionate Leave DINGLE See you tomorrow.
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One: Compassionate Leave MARGARET THATCHER New Scene [V.O.] Which question are you asking first? First Trident. It's three per cent over the lifetime which we apply. Three percent of the defence budget.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROBIN DAY [V.O.] Six per cent of the equipment budget.
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One: Compassionate Leave MARGARET THATCHER [V.O.] Yes, three per cent of the defence budget. Six per cent of the equipment budget.
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One: Compassionate Leave MARGARET THATCHER [V.O.] We could not possibly get such good deterrent value for that money as we get in Trident. Now, do we should we have Trident? Yes.
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One: Compassionate Leave MARGARET THATCHER [V.O.] We must, I believe, have an independent nuclear deterrent in this country.
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One: Compassionate Leave [PHONE RINGS]
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