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20 items found. 

One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN I'm fine.
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One: Compassionate Leave DETECTIVE 2 Poor bastard!
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS New Scene I had to stand them down, Ronnie. They're away from here by now.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN In London, I should think.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS The road blocks will stay till noon.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS Then I meet the press. Do you want to come?
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS I've been working on the assumption that this was a grudge killing.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS She stepped out in front of the gun. That's what you said last night?
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Yeah.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS But it was aimed at you?
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One: Compassionate Leave DI I'm sorry, sir. I'll come back later.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS So it has to be someone on this list.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Sir, I want to get down to the college. Pick up her stuff.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS Ronnie, this list is important. I think we should go through it. Unless you think it's a waste of time.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN This afternoon.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS Is there anything you want me to tell the media?
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN just get her age right. She was 21, not 19 as the radio put it.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS There's a note from Muntsey.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS The coroners are postponing their report pending your identification.
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One: Compassionate Leave ROSS Can you manage that?
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