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20 items found. 

Six: Fusion NIELSON No, I haven't called them yet.
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Six: Fusion HEARTY GOLFER New Scene Well done, Jemima!
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Six: Fusion JEMIMA This girl's no slouch.
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Six: Fusion HEARTY GOLFER Right, Morag. I'll go with the four. Put the pressure on, okay?
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Six: Fusion JEMIMA You're in with a chance, my dear.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH What do you think, Pete?
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Six: Fusion PETE Six inches on the right.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Piece of cake.
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Six: Fusion PETE Should be.
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Six: Fusion [EXHALES]
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Six: Fusion (APPLAUSE)
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Six: Fusion JEMIMA Bloody good shot.
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Six: Fusion HEARTY GOLFER Well done, Darius.
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Six: Fusion JEMIMA Home again, home again, jiggedy-jig. Are you all right, old sport?
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Yeah, I'm fine.
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Six: Fusion JEMIMA You're not looking too good.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH I think that old lady in there is trying to poison me. I'll see you later.
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Six: Fusion MRS GIRVAN New Scene Mr Jedborough. You forgot your sandwich again today, Mr Jedborough.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH (LAUGHS) Mrs Girvan, mince between two slices of white bread is not my idea of lunch. I'd rather eat the damned Bible.
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