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Six: Fusion BENNETT The man is sick! He will say things better left unsaid.
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Six: Fusion LAWSON That audience is 100% secure. They can take anything he can throw at them.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Jerry Grogan suggests that in 100 years from now, the human race will leave the planet and move into space. Jerry is a hell of a salesman. He's got the gift of making such an unappetising idea sound attractive. Now, the way Jerry tells it, it sounds just like an extension of the old Oregon Trail. It calls for the same American virtues of self-reliance, independence, know-how.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH But it is not gonna be that way. This new international nuclear state that Jerry's a part of, they do not cherish such virtues. You got that straight from the horse's mouth because I used to be a part of it.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Read between the lines of a Jerry Grogan speech, you'll find not the frontiersman but the Teutonic knight. Not democracy but a despotism. This future nuclear state will be an absolute state whose authority will derive not from the people but from the possession of plutonium. And just to make sure we all know what we're talking about here, I brought some of the stuff along with me today.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Two bars of weapons-grade plutonium. I stole this stuff on orders, straight out of Jerry's latest acquisition.
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Six: Fusion [CLAMOURING]
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Twenty-four people have died for this stuff, including me. All I have to do is bring these bars together and we'll have a criticality.
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Six: Fusion GROGAN Careful, Darius.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Four hundred rads, ladies and gentlemen. A lethal dose to anyone within a radius of ten yards. Get it while it's hot!
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Six: Fusion (SHOUTING)
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Six: Fusion (CLAMOURING)
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Six: Fusion [Jedburgh turns to face Grogan, and brings the two bars of plutonium together, causing a criticality. Grogan shields his eyes from the resultant flash, but is within the 10 yard radius.]
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Hey, what's the matter? Don't y'all want to be part of the new age of plutonium lunacy? Don't you want to see mankind become enslaved to this new priesthood of plutonium culture, see the earth become a desert, all its natural resources plundered to build some new Jerusalem in the Milky Way?
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Six: Fusion [SNIGGERS]
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Six: Fusion MINISTER New Scene Why did you let him go?
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Six: Fusion BENNETT We had no alternative.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER None?
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