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Three: Burden Of Proof [MUSIC STOPS]
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Three: Burden Of Proof [WATER RUNNING]
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Three: Burden Of Proof [FRONT DOOR SLAMS]
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH We got a problem.
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Three: Burden Of Proof REPORTER 1 New Scene Mr Grogan, are you here for the enquiry?
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN I'm in London to talk to Mr Bennett.
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Three: Burden Of Proof REPORTER 2 Are you going to buy IIF?
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN We've discussed it, yes.
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Three: Burden Of Proof REPORTER 3 Do you anticipate any problems in the Government, Mr Bennett?
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Three: Burden Of Proof BENNETT No, I don't.
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Three: Burden Of Proof REPORTER 2 Is your bid an attempt to head off this enquiry into IIF by the British Government?
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN I don't subscribe to the conspiracy theory of history.
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Three: Burden Of Proof REPORTER 1 Then what is your interest in II?
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN Emerging technologies, nuclear wastes. The management of nuclear waste is going to be big business. II is well ahead of the game.
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Three: Burden Of Proof REPORTER 3 What will be Mr Bennett's position if you succeed in acquiring the company?
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN I'm sorry?
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Three: Burden Of Proof REPORTER 3 What will be Mr Bennett's position if you succeed in acquiring the company?
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Three: Burden Of Proof GROGAN I'm not planning on making any changes in the management structure of the company. Thank you, gentlemen.
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