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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Well, in a roundabout way, yes.
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Six: Fusion LAWSON New Scene Darius Jedburgh.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Hello, Taffy. How they hanging?
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Six: Fusion LAWSON Never better. This is Carlo Barlotti. Brookings Institute.
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Six: Fusion BARLOTTI Hello, Colonel. How are you? Pleased to meet you.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Is Jerry Grogan coming?
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Six: Fusion TAFFY No, I'm told he'll be late. Business in London.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER New Scene How many bodies?
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Four, Minister. And three at the plant makes seven.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER How long do you think this sort of thing can this go on for?
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Until he's caught.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER Do you think he's mad?
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Well, he wasn't before, but he certainly is now.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER Now, this is the report on IIF?
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT It's a copy. We sent the original to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER Why?
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT Because it proves that there is a hot cell at Northmoor, built in contravention of IAEA safeguards.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER It was never under IAEA safeguards.
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Six: Fusion HARCOURT The contamination in the reservoir can now be traced directly to it. They are liable to prosecution under the Radioactive Substances Act of 1960.
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Six: Fusion MINISTER Is this really within your brief, Harcourt?
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