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20 items found. 

Six: Fusion BOTH (BOTH) # When you think it's all over
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Six: Fusion BOTH # It has only begun
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH # And he cried like a baby
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN # And he screamed like a panther
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN # In the middle of the night...
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH Yeah, you remember, Craven.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH # And he saddled his pony
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH # And he went for a ride... #
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN I am no longer seeking vengeance.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH You know what you are, Craven? You're something special. You've been freeze-dried from some earlier epoch, just waiting for this to happen.
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN Waiting for what to happen?
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH All this. The confrontation between good and evil.
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN And what side are you on?
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH The side of the angels, boy. Always have been.
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN Jedburgh... You are not and never will be on the side of the angels.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH There are angels who will stand by me. St Michael, for instance.
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN Then, you do believe in Gaia?
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH As an idea or what?
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Six: Fusion CRAVEN As an idea.
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Six: Fusion JEDBURGH You mean do I believe that the earth goddess will defend itself against all dangers?
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