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Five: Northmoor BENNETT I gave orders to flood the lower gallery. As far as I can determine, they were all drowned.
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Five: Northmoor CHILWELL Was there no alternative?
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Five: Northmoor BENNETT None. If we hadn't acted promptly, they might have got away with it. And the consequences... I leave that for you to judge.
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Five: Northmoor PELHAM I'm afraid this raises more questions than it answers. Why was plutonium being stored in Northmoor? Who were these terrorists? And why... Why were the AEA not notified of this incident?
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Five: Northmoor [METAL CLINKS]
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH New Scene (LAUGHS) Look at this.
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Five: Northmoor GODBOLT When I were a kid, we called it the Tonsils. Now it's Deep Throat.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN Did Emma come down here?
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Five: Northmoor GODBOLT They all did.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN How did she get back? Alone?
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Five: Northmoor GODBOLT She made it.
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Five: Northmoor PELHAM New Scene Under the NAIR scheme, you should have informed the police. Did you?
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Five: Northmoor BENNETT No. We did not inform the police.
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Five: Northmoor BEWES Under the site licence, issued by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, you should have informed both the AEA, and the Health and Safety Executive.
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Five: Northmoor BENNETT We did not inform either of those bodies.
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Five: Northmoor PELHAM Then whom did you inform?
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Five: Northmoor BENNETT We informed the Ministry of Defence. The plutonium we were storing was the property of the MOD. We felt they were the only people we were authorised to communicate with.
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Five: Northmoor [RUMBLING]
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN New Scene It sounds like a train.
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