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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN New Scene They know we're down here, don't they?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH Yeah.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN Who told them?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH It could've been anybody.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN What exactly were your orders?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH To get into the ball park, steal the ball.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN The plutonium?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH That's right.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN You should have told me that up there. Now, let's get going.
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH You're a driven man, aren't you, Craven? Here we on the floor of Plato's cave, with food from Harrods, a whole hillside of wine, all you can think about is, "Let's get going?"
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN That's right.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN What will you do with it when you've got it?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH Hand it over to my superior.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN What will they do with it?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH Beats me, but Grogan won't get it, that's what counts.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN Why do you hate Grogan so much?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH Because of who he is.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN And who is he?
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH He's part of the dark forces who would rule this planet.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN You believe in all that stuff?
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