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20 items found. 

Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH I feel like Jonah in the belly of the whale.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN We abseil down here?
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Five: Northmoor GODBOLT In the next cavern, that's where I leave you. At the bottom is a ventilator shaft. Beyond that, Northmoor.
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Five: Northmoor SECOND GUARD New Scene Terry! Gas mask.
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Five: Northmoor FIRST GUARD Alpha One?
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Five: Northmoor RADIO VOICE [V.O.] Alpha One receiving.
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Five: Northmoor FIRST GUARD Get me Connors.
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Five: Northmoor JEDBURGH New Scene So long, sunshine.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN Thanks.
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Five: Northmoor GODBOLT Good luck. I hope you make it.
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Five: Northmoor CRAVEN You, too.
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Five: Northmoor GODBOLT Craven. Watch that big lad.
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Five: Northmoor BENNETT New Scene I think we're winning.
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Five: Northmoor GROGAN Good.
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Five: Northmoor PELHAM Well, at least he's admitted the plutonium was down there and that the GAIA team was drowned on his orders.
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Five: Northmoor PENDLETON They'll probably give him a medal for it.
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Five: Northmoor [GAGS]
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Five: Northmoor [CHOKING]
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Five: Northmoor [GROANS]
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