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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY You encouraged that?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You do, don't you? I had six or seven of them working for me. Then when Ann got cancer, I came home, and they were all... Let go.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN It was all out of my hands. Some of them were betrayed to the IRA. Some of them were used in dirty little schemes, which meant their inevitable exposure. None of them received the money or the protection I had promised them.
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY They were bad times. And they got a bad deal.
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY And McCroon remembered that?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Yes. But he... Something else motivated him.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS New Scene I'm Detective Chief Superintendent Ross. Who are you?
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON I'm Pendleton.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS Craven mentioned the name.
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Four: Breakthrough PENDLETON I heard he was off his rocker.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS Oh, not really. Just needs a bit of a rest, that's all.
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Four: Breakthrough [WATER RUNNING]
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Four: Breakthrough [CLOCK CHIMES]
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Four: Breakthrough GODBOLT New Scene [V.O.] It's not that such things are motiveless. Of course there were a motive. It's just that mistakes sometimes happen.
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Four: Breakthrough [CHILD SINGING FAINTLY]
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Four: Breakthrough # Ratatouille's my favourite food, favourite food
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Four: Breakthrough # I could eat it every day, every day, every day
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Four: Breakthrough # I could eat it every day, every day
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Four: Breakthrough # All I want Is ratatouille, ratatouille ratatouille
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Four: Breakthrough # All I want is ratatouille, ratatouille #
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