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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY You quarrelled?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN In Hyde Park. I felt myself disintegrating. She was telling me to hold on. She kept asking me to be... Strong... Like a tree.
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY A tree?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN That was how she saw me. Just...
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY And you became angry with her? Why?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Because... She allowed herself to be... Abused... Got herself into such a mess.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS New Scene How's the patient?
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY Very interesting. He has what primitives call a bush soul. He identifies himself with a tree.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS No, I mean, is he suffering from shock, or depression or what?
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY All three.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS The what being?
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY Grief.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS New Scene Hello, Ronnie. How are you?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Okay. Did you call into the house?
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS Yes, we tidied up a bit. Sorted things out.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS Well... We got McCroon before he got you.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Why did you leave the marksman on site?
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS Jesus Christ, Ronnie. He was going to kill you.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You gave me your word.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS Ronnie, I knew exactly what I was doing. We saved your life.
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