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Four: Breakthrough McCROON Ask her, Craven, next time you meet her.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Please... I want to know.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN No! No! No! No!
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN (WAILS) No! No! No! No!
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Four: Breakthrough [SOBS VIOLENTLY]
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN No.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN New Scene She no longer speaks to me.
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY Does that disturb you? But you still see her? Did you see her this morning?
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY In some societies, the dead are thought to be reluctant to proceed on their way because they fear what might happen to them in the next world.
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY Do you think Emma's like that? They're chased with threats and insults. Do you find such a notion fanciful?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN What worries me is not that she's gone, but that we parted on such bad terms.
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY You quarrelled?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN In Hyde Park. I felt myself disintegrating. She was telling me to hold on. She kept asking me to be... Strong... Like a tree.
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY A tree?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN That was how she saw me. Just...
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY And you became angry with her? Why?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Because... She allowed herself to be... Abused... Got herself into such a mess.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS New Scene How's the patient?
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Four: Breakthrough OAKLEY Very interesting. He has what primitives call a bush soul. He identifies himself with a tree.
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Four: Breakthrough ROSS No, I mean, is he suffering from shock, or depression or what?
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