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Jedburgh -golf

20 items found. 

Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Was it Bennett who rigged the last union vote?
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Four: Breakthrough GODBOLT He needed me. He knew he'd never get another leader so compromised.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Why didn't you tell me this at the time?
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Four: Breakthrough GODBOLT How could I?
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Four: Breakthrough PLAYER New Scene All right, let's get the next one. All right, let's tough it out, let's get the next one.
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Four: Breakthrough SCHUMAKER Come on. Hustle! Hustle! Hustle!
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Four: Breakthrough SPECTATOR He's safe! You're blind!
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Four: Breakthrough SCHUMAKER Darius.
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH Well, where is he?
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Four: Breakthrough SCHUMAKER He'll be along. You play this game?
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH I'm a golfer, Schumaker. I happen to believe that the game is sanctified. I cannot in my wildest imaginations see the same being said for softball. Can you?
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Four: Breakthrough SCHUMAKER I never gave it that much thought.
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH That's the story of your life, Schumaker. Story of your life.
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH A pain in the ass.
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Four: Breakthrough SCHUMAKER How was Salvador?
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Four: Breakthrough SCHUMAKER What were you doing out there?
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH Clearing up your mistakes.
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Four: Breakthrough SCHUMAKER It needed a field man like you, Darius.
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Four: Breakthrough JEDBURGH Who's he?
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