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20 items found. 

Four: Breakthrough McCROON She was coming at me like a goalkeeper
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You fired both barrels into her chest.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You could have picked me off blindfolded if you'd wanted to, you daft Irish prat!
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON I was in no hurry. I knew I'd get you sooner or later.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN How long have you been out?
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON A year.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You waited a whole year before you came looking for me?
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON I told you, Sergeant, I was in no hurry. -
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Someone gave you the gun and car, and told you where to find us. Who was it?
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON Why don't you make your peace with God?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN I want to know before you pull that trigger.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON What's the use? You were both marked. Both of you.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN It matters to me.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON Ask her, Craven, next time you meet her.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Please... I want to know.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN No! No! No! No!
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN (WAILS) No! No! No! No!
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Four: Breakthrough [SOBS VIOLENTLY]
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN No.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN New Scene She no longer speaks to me.
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