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Four: Breakthrough McCROON Then, I hope you said goodbye.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON Ten years, Craven.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON That's how long I've been waiting.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON Ten years.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You're talking about ten years? We're talking about Ireland.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON We're talking about 1973. Three Brigade. We're talking about your job, Sergeant. Turning good men into touts and traitors, and when you had no further use for them turning them over to the Provos to be shot.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN And for that, you killed my daughter?
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON I was looking for you, Sergeant. She just got in the way.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON She was coming at me like a goalkeeper
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You fired both barrels into her chest.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You could have picked me off blindfolded if you'd wanted to, you daft Irish prat!
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON I was in no hurry. I knew I'd get you sooner or later.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN How long have you been out?
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON A year.
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN You waited a whole year before you came looking for me?
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON I told you, Sergeant, I was in no hurry. -
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN Someone gave you the gun and car, and told you where to find us. Who was it?
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON Why don't you make your peace with God?
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Four: Breakthrough CRAVEN I want to know before you pull that trigger.
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Four: Breakthrough McCROON What's the use? You were both marked. Both of you.
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