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Three: Burden Of Proof RECEPTIONIST New Scene Morning, Hilton International, can I help you?
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Three: Burden Of Proof JONES Detective Inspector Craven, please. Room 7016.
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Three: Burden Of Proof New Scene [THUDS]
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Three: Burden Of Proof [PANTING]
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Three: Burden Of Proof JONES New Scene Did he leave a number where he could be reached?
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Three: Burden Of Proof RECEPTIONIST One moment, sir, I'll just check.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN New Scene "To go into the shadows," what does that mean?
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH It's an Italian expression, much used by the Red Brigade. Means to abjure the world, to become a terrorist.
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH Your daughter was a terrorist, Craven. You might as well get used to it.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN It says here she went into Northmoor with half a dozen friends, looking for plutonium. It doesn't say anything about being armed.
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH Well, plutonium is the key word here, Craven. People who mess with plutonium are terrorists.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN What do you know about Northmoor?
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH Only what I read in the report. Northmoor's a low-grade waste facility run by a company with a very long name. There is no evidence of plutonium in Northmoor.
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH Craven, why are you trying to convince me about your daughter? I was only asked to give you sight of the report.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN She was not a terrorist.
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH She sure believed in direct action!
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN Cutting corners.
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH Breaking into offices, stealing files.
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Three: Burden Of Proof CRAVEN The sort of thing we do every week!
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Three: Burden Of Proof JEDBURGH But we have a licence to do it, Craven. She did not. Unless you gave her one.
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