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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE The Egyptians had a few which they offloaded onto the market about 10 years ago.
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE Some of them fell into the hands of terrorists like Baader-Meinhof.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Emma wasn't a terrorist.
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE I know that, old mate, but we've got to make sure, haven't we?
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN What I want are the prints on the gun, excluding hers.
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE Hers were on the Revlon bottle, weren't they?
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE It's all in hand.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Can you put them through the computer for me?
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE I can try.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN What's today's magic word?
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE In the bumf on my desk.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN What do you know about a man called Pendleton?
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE Not much. Drives a green Mercedes and parks in other people's spaces...
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE [O.S.] ...dines at the Special Forces Club in Knightsbridge, and drinks with the SAS in Chelsea Barracks.
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE [O.S.] The security boys hate him.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Did you know him in Northern Ireland?
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE No.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Done any work for him?
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE Recently?
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Two: Into The Shadows CARLISLE There was a weapon which had been found in water which he wanted tested for radioactivity.
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