episode | character | line | show excerpt |
Two: Into The Shadows
Is there anything I can do?
Two: Into The Shadows
He'd just finished the report on the reservoir. It points conclusively to Northmoor as a contamination source.
Two: Into The Shadows
That lets Sellafield off the hook.
Two: Into The Shadows
Yeah, they're jumping for joy up there, but what's going to happen here?
Two: Into The Shadows
It's none of your business.
Two: Into The Shadows
The analysis suggests the source has to be a reprocessing plant. IIF deny they've got anything like that down there.
Two: Into The Shadows
Spent fuel rods have been known to leak
Two: Into The Shadows
No, Dad. It was done by some sort of laser operation, which they also deny.
Two: Into The Shadows
The only way to find out is to go down there.
Two: Into The Shadows
Northmoor is a nuclear waste plant. Anyone who breaks in there will be met with ultimate force. It's the most dangerous business in Britain.
Two: Into The Shadows
[O.S.] Don't even think of it.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] The location of plutonium at Northmoor raises doubts about the status of current agreements with the British Government. While our own need for plutonium is at a premium and British reserves are already at an all-time high, evidence that they have further stocks is something of a blow to those who advised us to put our faith in the UK.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] Is it possible that these stocks are not the product of the British reprocessing plant at Sellafield? This raises the sinister question as to where that source might be, and for what purpose it is being made? As a matter of priority, we must find out what's going on at Northmoor.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] Emma Craven. Aged 21. Bachelor of Science. Studied under Emily Threadwell at the Cavendish. GAIA's representative at Craigmills College. Relatively inexperienced in these matters, she was ordered to organise a raid on the mines.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] No one knows exactly what occurred, but one source indicates that the team were trapped in an underground tunnel below the cooling pools and that a large quantity of radioactive water was directed into it.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O] Whether this was a calculated act on the part of the company is not known. Her boyfriend, Terry Shields, a left-wing firebrand, Is believed to have passed information to Scotland Yard Special Branch on matters connected with Socialist Advance, the Trotskyite party to which he belongs.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] It is possible that Special Branch would have had foreknowledge of the raid and alerted the company accordingly.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] Her father, a detective in Craigmills, may also have known of his daughter's activities. It is difficult to conclude that he did not. Yet he made no attempt to stop her going in. Why?
Two: Into The Shadows
Two: Into The Shadows
Yes? He is out in the field. That's the message I got.