episode | character | line | show excerpt |
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] The usual emergency procedures were activated under NAIR arrangements and the reservoir was shut down. An independent inquiry was initiated under the chairmanship of Dr Anthony Marsh.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] Suspicion pointed to a secret plutonium source hidden in Northmoor nuclear waste plant, ten miles from the city. Northmoor is a labyrinth of mines which have been utilised by the British Army since World War II.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] Recently, the mines were sold to a private company, IIF, specialising in the storage of low-grade wastes. IIF is owned by Mr Robert Bennett, a free willing entrepreneur with extensive connections in the nuclear industry.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] There have been persistent rumours that plutonium has been illegally stored there. These rumours have always been denied.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] But in the summer of this year, a team of scientists from the ecology group GAIA, penetrated the mines. They were organised and led by a local woman, Emma Craven.
Two: Into The Shadows
[V.O.] Since all those connected with this adventure are now dead or disappeared, it is difficult to discover what their mission was or whether it was successful.
Two: Into The Shadows
[O.S.] Tony Marsh is dead.
Two: Into The Shadows
A car accident on the motorway.
Two: Into The Shadows
I know. I'm sorry.
Two: Into The Shadows
Is there anything I can do?
Two: Into The Shadows
He'd just finished the report on the reservoir. It points conclusively to Northmoor as a contamination source.
Two: Into The Shadows
That lets Sellafield off the hook.
Two: Into The Shadows
Yeah, they're jumping for joy up there, but what's going to happen here?
Two: Into The Shadows
It's none of your business.
Two: Into The Shadows
The analysis suggests the source has to be a reprocessing plant. IIF deny they've got anything like that down there.
Two: Into The Shadows
Spent fuel rods have been known to leak
Two: Into The Shadows
No, Dad. It was done by some sort of laser operation, which they also deny.
Two: Into The Shadows
The only way to find out is to go down there.
Two: Into The Shadows
Northmoor is a nuclear waste plant. Anyone who breaks in there will be met with ultimate force. It's the most dangerous business in Britain.
Two: Into The Shadows
[O.S.] Don't even think of it.