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20 items found. 

Two: Into The Shadows [BEEPS HORN]
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON New Scene Get in.
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Two: Into The Shadows [CAR REVVING]
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN What happened to the Merc?
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON We only use it for posh occasions. We're trying to save on fuel.
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Two: Into The Shadows [CRAVEN LAUGHS]
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON New Scene Not exactly Albany, but it's home.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON You are about to meet Harcourt. Double first at Cambridge and an authority on E.M. Forster, he tells me, but a complete twot, I think, when it comes to making connections.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON I, myself, favour an Irish education.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Anyone who has examined the Book of Kells cannot but be impressed by the labyrinthine coils of the Celtic imagination.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Are you a Celt, by any chance, Craven?
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN No.
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Henry!
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Two: Into The Shadows PENDLETON Henry, this is Inspector Craven.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Ah.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT I was sorry to hear your news, Inspector.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Letters, Ellen.
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Two: Into The Shadows ELLEN Yes, sir.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT It must have been a great blow.
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Two: Into The Shadows HARCOURT Bizarre, I know, but not the sort who posts things to the Guardian.
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