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20 items found. 

Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Who?
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS The Yard. They looked around. Interviewed me. It's all on record.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN She told me she was leaving home. She was coming here?
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS Well, we talked about it, but...
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS We didn't have much time for home-building, even for the relationship. Politics is a full-time business.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN I thought you were a lecturer.
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS Yes, I am, and Emma was a physicist, but life doesn't stop with the job, unless you're a policeman, I suppose.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Socialist Advance...
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Is that the name of your party?
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS I'm the Assistant Secretary.
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS Not your cup of tea.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN No.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Was Emma a member?
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS Yes, but she directed most of her energy towards sexual politics, Greenham, the ecology movement...
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS Not exactly our priorities.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN It must have been quite difficult for you two to hit it off.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN Having such a diversity of views, I mean.
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS It was a physical thing.
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Two: Into The Shadows CRAVEN How deeply was she involved with GAIA?
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Two: Into The Shadows SHIELDS She was committed.
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