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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON You mentioned Six. Where did you come across that?
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Northern Ireland.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Thick on the ground?
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Like blazers at Henley!
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON You don't like cloak and dagger, do you?
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Where are we going?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON The BBC.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Why?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Because that's where the Prime Minister is. I'm looking after her tonight.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN You do this for a living?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON No, but this evening we're a little short-handed. My brief's a bit wider than that, which brings me to your daughter.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN What about her?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON She was some sort of terrorist, wasn't she?
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Terrorist?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON According to her file.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN What file?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON Oh, there's a file but it's difficult to get hold of.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN What's your interest in this matter?
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON The safety of the realm. We like to know what's going on north of Watford. I presume you discount the idea of revenge? No one here believes it.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN If you have an alternative, I'd like to hear it.
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