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20 items found. 

One: Compassionate Leave MUNTSEY Shock, massive haemorrhaging. The heart went into fibrillation...
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN [V.O.] I wanted to kiss you but it would have embarrassed Muntsey, so I asked for some scissors and cut off a piece of your hair.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN [V.O.] It was still damp, and despite the lycol, it smelt of rain and crushed grass.
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One: Compassionate Leave CARETAKER New Scene She were a nice girl. She had a nice smile an' all.
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One: Compassionate Leave CARETAKER And SHE never complained.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Get lots of complaints, do you?
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One: Compassionate Leave CARETAKER All the time. I open too late, the showers are cold, flickering lights - I'm not an electrician - and dust on the court.
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One: Compassionate Leave CARETAKER That lot, you know, they'd have you on your hands and knees if they could!
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Is this it?
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One: Compassionate Leave CARETAKER That's right.
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One: Compassionate Leave CRAVEN Open it.
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One: Compassionate Leave [CLATTERING]
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One: Compassionate Leave CARETAKER I'll get you something to put it all in.
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One: Compassionate Leave [BUZZER]
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One: Compassionate Leave WOMAN New Scene Who is it?
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One: Compassionate Leave JEDBURGH Darius Jedburgh.
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One: Compassionate Leave JEDBURGH Howdy!
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON What the hell are you doing here?
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One: Compassionate Leave JEDBURGH Just got back from Texas. Brought you a present from Houston.
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One: Compassionate Leave PENDLETON What are they?
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